

M.B.B.S., M.S., F.M.A.S., FIAGES

Dr. Deepak Mandloi is Hard working. Always willing to take up opportunities & learn from them. He is very much dedicated to his profession, believe in teamwork, ethical practice & patient centred care.

Surgical Skills

Performed lots of Major & Minor operation’s individually i.e. MRM(BreastCancerSx), BCS (breast conservative Sx), Intermittent Debulking Sx, simple/Radical (werthiems) Hysterectomy(TAH+bso), Lap /openChole, Lap/open inguinal hernia repair (simple as well as complicated), Lap/open ventral hernia repair,Lap/open Umblical hernia repair, Routine as well as emergency laparotomies, open Pyelolithotomy, Cystolithotomy, Appendectomy, Hydrocele(jaboulay’s procedure) ,Circumcision(for phimosis as well as paraphimosis ), Pilonidal sinus Sx with local flap repair ,V-YAnoplasty, open/laser/stapler Haemorrhoidectomy(piles), Fistulectomy(fistula in ano), Amputation procedure, Orchiectomy(Inguinal,Scrotal , B/L as well as uniletral), Orchiopexy, SSG Procedure, WLE (benign/malignant tumors) Tracheostomy, ICD placement routine/emergency, Venous cutdown, ELR, Central line placement subclvian as well as femoral, Partial Nail avulsion(ingrowing toe nail). etc